Jacob Neitzel

Jacob Neitzel

Please help Catherine & Jacob

At age 18, Jacob Neitzel was diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic. With the correct medication, he could have been a productive member of our society. Instead, through a series of medical misdiagnoses, bureaucratic circumstances, and outright injustice, Jacob has led an unfortunate life. He has not only been denied access to proper medical care, but also denied his human and civil rights, being effectively incarcerated in 1995.

Once in prison, he was dangerously placed in with the general population. He was beaten, raped, and sold or traded as a human commodity by cruel inmates who used and abused him. Prison officials and guards often looked the other way, or in some cases aided his abusers while benefitting financially. In 2004, in a last ditch attempt to free himself from this horror by suicide, Jacob suffered a serious traumatic brain injury (TBI) with severe frontal lobe damage.

Relying on a wheelchair, and having contracted Type II Diabetes and Hepatitis C, Jacob has been shuffled from one mental institution to another. None of the facilities has ANY expertise in the treatment of TBI. His right to fair and reasonable health care has been completely dominated by the system that now uses his situation to bleed him of whatever benefits and finances they can claim, in his name.

Jacob needs help, not just with basic comforts and quality of life. He needs to be saved from a system that has continually failed him. His mother Catherine, who loves her son and desperately wants to care for him, tragically has not been allowed to help him. Due to her attempts to bring attention to his situation, she has even been threatened with the same kind of institutionalization to which her son has been condemned.
Catherine has recently found a place that provides treatment for TBI and will welcome her assistance.

Finally, it is an opportunity for Jacob and Catherine to be reunited. Catherine needs to rent a small apartment close by to help Jacob with his improvement and care. With her help, Jacob has been able to walk more and need his wheelchair less.

Jacob and Catherine need your help now, and now there is a way you can help them. If there was ever a crowd sourcing cause, this is it! Please click on the links below to read Jacob’s story. Pass it on, spread the word, and donate whatever you can to this family that has literally lost everything.

Jacob and Catherine are up against the wall. They have nowhere left to go. More than ever, they need your kindness, generosity, and outrage. Please help them now.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Things That Jacob Used to do...

The following are things Jacob used to do perfectly fine for himself, but thanks to his current "quality care" is now no longer allowed to do:

Note: TBI means Traumatic Brain Injury.
  • Jacob was able to go shopping on his own, exchange money and make choices at stores. Now he is no longer able to!
  • Jacob was able to walk at least three miles per day….He pushed his own wheelchair and used it for safety so he would not fall.
  • Jacob was able to go out by himself, use cross walks. He went to visit the nearby shopping center, while confined to his wheelchair. That was when he was in Bennett Valley, CA.
  • Jacob made intelligent choices concerning his diet. He even has good style when he chooses his clothing!
  • Jacob was able to phone his doctor, talk about his medications and pick them up from the pharmacy.
  • Jacob took his meds diligently, was never denied them, or refused to take his medication.
  • Jacob used to have and manage his own ATM bankcard and his own bank account.
  • Jacob used to have money left to him from his deceased father, which has been "taken" by Oregon and or his guardian.
  • Jacob used to have Medicaid. DHS in Oregon, Jacob’s social worker and his doctors at the time, denied him a type of Medicaid that would give him access to TBI providers. In addition Jacob's MEDICARE has also been compromised. Currently Jacob is again at Oregon State Hospital in Portland, which is a paid by Jacob’s MEDICARE 
    • Part A.OSH keeps Jacob in their facility in order to receive his MEDICARE as well as Federal Assistance.
    • The program he is subject to attend is the same program Jacob has been to during the last two years.
  • Jacob used to be able to get treatment for his TBI. Oregon State Hospital is denying Jacob’s TBI, no evaluation has been performed since the State of Oregon, without sending jacob to a qualified TBI specialist, has conveniently determined that Jacob cannot ever be rehabilitated for his traumatic brain injury.
Amazing Huh!

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