Jacob Neitzel

Jacob Neitzel

Please help Catherine & Jacob

At age 18, Jacob Neitzel was diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic. With the correct medication, he could have been a productive member of our society. Instead, through a series of medical misdiagnoses, bureaucratic circumstances, and outright injustice, Jacob has led an unfortunate life. He has not only been denied access to proper medical care, but also denied his human and civil rights, being effectively incarcerated in 1995.

Once in prison, he was dangerously placed in with the general population. He was beaten, raped, and sold or traded as a human commodity by cruel inmates who used and abused him. Prison officials and guards often looked the other way, or in some cases aided his abusers while benefitting financially. In 2004, in a last ditch attempt to free himself from this horror by suicide, Jacob suffered a serious traumatic brain injury (TBI) with severe frontal lobe damage.

Relying on a wheelchair, and having contracted Type II Diabetes and Hepatitis C, Jacob has been shuffled from one mental institution to another. None of the facilities has ANY expertise in the treatment of TBI. His right to fair and reasonable health care has been completely dominated by the system that now uses his situation to bleed him of whatever benefits and finances they can claim, in his name.

Jacob needs help, not just with basic comforts and quality of life. He needs to be saved from a system that has continually failed him. His mother Catherine, who loves her son and desperately wants to care for him, tragically has not been allowed to help him. Due to her attempts to bring attention to his situation, she has even been threatened with the same kind of institutionalization to which her son has been condemned.
Catherine has recently found a place that provides treatment for TBI and will welcome her assistance.

Finally, it is an opportunity for Jacob and Catherine to be reunited. Catherine needs to rent a small apartment close by to help Jacob with his improvement and care. With her help, Jacob has been able to walk more and need his wheelchair less.

Jacob and Catherine need your help now, and now there is a way you can help them. If there was ever a crowd sourcing cause, this is it! Please click on the links below to read Jacob’s story. Pass it on, spread the word, and donate whatever you can to this family that has literally lost everything.

Jacob and Catherine are up against the wall. They have nowhere left to go. More than ever, they need your kindness, generosity, and outrage. Please help them now.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

One Day, Marin Community Mental Health will make you an offer you can't refuse...

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Towards the end of the year 2011, Marin Community Mental Health made Catherine the offer that if she ever wanted her son released from Napa State Hospital, she would have to move from California. That is what the three persons stated, they had the letter already prepared for Catherine’s signature.

In essence, get the hell outta here, especially since we sued Marin County Community Mental Health, as well as the Marin County Sheriff, Robert Doyle.

So, in November of 2011 we set out in a rental car, followed by a rental truck that held Catherine & Jacob’s belongings to drive up to Oregon. At first Catherine wanted to move to Ashland, but settled for Medford, the rents were more affordable.

Rogue Valley Hospital in Medford  11.23.2011----- 02.18.2012

We arrived in Medford around the 16th of November 2011.  It was a long drive, about ten hours it took. After sleeping at a Motel, Jacob was overcome with anxiety, since Marin County refused to give Jacob any Ativan (Valium) before he would have to make this long trip, cooped up in the back of the car. It was very difficult for Jacob, who just left a hospital environment locked facility, institutionalized, to being a free person within society.

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We took Jacob to the crisis center, Rogue Valley Medical Center in Medford, in order to get some Ativan. When Rogue Valley Hospital Security ran Jacob’s name, they found out that Jacob spent 6 years in prison for attempted murder of his mother… they wanted to keep Jacob for observation.

In order for Oregon to keep Jacob …or others…Oregon does a court commitment in 3-4 days when mental persons  are brought to their hospital. That is done so Oregon receives a ‘sizable Medicare Part A’ reimbursement from the Federal Government.

In comparison to California, where it takes 6 weeks and a court hearing to commit any mental client.

While at Rogue Valley, the psychiatrist, Dr. O’Connell immediately lowered Jacob’s medications for the purpose of titration (Medical talk…. The serial dilution of a substance of interest).  Jacob did not do well under that kind of treatment.

Not only has Jacob’s TBI been completely ignored, but what Dr. O’Connell did is typical for psychiatrists, in that they like to treat their new patients like guinea pigs, in order to observe their new reactions / behavior! when given different medications or changing  their current meds.  Also, on many occasions doctors get “perks” from their pharmaceutical companies, quite sizable ones and gifts as well.

“How do you feel now?” …..the patient is asked?

Jacob was very angry for being pulled away from his family, he was acting out his emotions.
Consequentially, he was considered as being “violent” …and this was duly noted in his medical jacket….forthwith!

The employees at the mental health system do not look at an individual client as a sensitive human being, only as schizophrenics or manic depressives. Employees, doctors and nurses are desensitized so that they are only able to look at the mental illness and categorizes it as such, with every mental / emotional behavior.

One day Jacob rolled in his wheel chair and hit the fish tank by accident. It shook the fish up a bit.
As punishment for that, Jacob was sent to the seclusion room without his wheelchair.

In the seclusion room, a 20’x20’ area, there was but only one chair. Jacob found himself with two other clients in said space, a fight broke out as to who got to sit down in the only chair.  The staff would watch this brawl through the window, and began to shoot up the clients with psychotropic medication.

Catherine immediately contacted the Rogue Valley Administration and talked to them about their seclusion room policies. As she learned, there may only be one person in the seclusion room by himself, with one chair. If there are more than one person in said room, there have to be chairs for every person there, as well as a staff member to supervise them.

These rules were not being followed, and subsequent to Catherine filing an official complaint, Jacob received a letter “Mea Culpa” by administration officials that will not give their last name. See copy attached.

After that debacle, Dr. James Hammel fudged Jacob’s medical records, stating that Jacob committed a crime…….. and he needed to be transported to a forensic unit at Oregon State Hospital in Salem.

Jacob was transported in chains from Medford to Salem, holding in his hands a copy of his deceased Uncle, Robert Powers Death Certificate, see copy attached.  This document was given to Jacob on his way out by Dr. James Hammel, who wanted to really hurt Jacob because his mother had complained.

Jacob left on February 18th from Medford Rogue Valley Hospital to Oregon State Hospital in Salem.

In ending this paragraph, I must mention that the final Rogue Valley Medical Bill was $103,466.- for Jacob’s stay starting on 11.23.2011 up to 12.29.2011.. at total of about 36 days. In comparison, Napa State Hospital charged Jacob $ 29,000.- for 77 days of treatment. Medicare Fraud by Rogue Valley Hospital in Oregon is deeply suspected!

Oregon State Hospital in Salem

Starting from 12.30.2011 until…. about 03.16.2012

Oregon State Hospital was a new $ 280 Million Hospital with a bad reputation of abuse.
It was in the old building, that the movie “One Flew over the Cuckoo’s nest was filmed”!

The State of Oregon has somewhat sensationalized this movie, to hide its own negative reputation and to hide its own present abuses.

Jacob’s grandfather, Alvah Powers, was very upset when the movie was first shown, because it took away from the biological diseases i.e. schizophrenia & bi-polar disease and made it a societal comedy schtick!

Back to Jacob:

Lighthouse II, at OSH Salem, was a forensic unit where the patients were educated for court competency, before they had to go on trial.

Dr. Farivar was Jacob’s psychiatrist and Michelle Dague was Jacob’s social worker. Michelle knew that Jacob was sent to OSH on a PSRB (Psychiatric Security Review Board) which is a criminal action. She absolutely had no understanding as to why Jacob was at a forensic unit.

Catherine asked Michelle to have Jacob changed to another non-forensic unit, but she refused. Both Dr. Farivar and Michelle felt that Jacob should be at home with his mother, who would take her son to an “outpatient TBI facility and  neurologist, because that is what Jacob really needed and deserved.”

Also, Dr. Farivar would not let Jacob used his wheelchair at the hospital, because he felt that Jacob would be beaten up by other peers.  It is well known, that Oregon State Hospital’s environment is very harsh and abusive with the medication the patients there receive.  Most of them have been separated from their family, they have nothing to do and nothing to look forward to, their civil rights are non-existent.

The above paragraph cements the reason that Dr. Farivar and Michelle Dague decided to leave their employment not to forget their opinion and suggestion that Jacob should go home to his mother.

At the end of March 2012,, both Dr. Farivar & Michelle Dague were no longer at OSH in Salem.

On March 16 Jacob was released to my new home in Salem, on Center street..!

Center street was an unfortunate choice apartment because of an abundance of drug dealers and drug activity, which I was not aware of at the time I moved in.

After about a week of Jacob living there, he was offered drugs as he was on his balcony. in addition to having had contact with these dealers, and the constant noise, almost 24 / 7….. Jacob got quite upset,  was unable to sleep, and called the police.

The Police ran his name, and brought him to the crisis center, at a place called Salem Health.

At that place, contrary what Jacob wanted, they stripped Jacob naked and demanded a blood sample because the police suspected he was high on drugs.  Of course, his blood sample turned out clean.

While there, Salem Police created a Police Report charging Jacob with assault against hospital staff while Jacob tried to defend himself against being stripped naked and blood being taken from him, without any reason or court order!

Even though Catherine was present and explained Jacob’s story in more detail, they shipped Jacob to the crisis center at Salem Behavioral Health.  Again, he was committed within 4 days and shipped to Oregon State Hospital in Portland.

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