Malfeasance, corruption, incompetence and abject failure have played a major role in the magical mystery tour that poor Jacob was subjected to in Medford, Salem, Portland and Eugene, OREGON!!
Post Scriptum...Catherine and her son Jacob traveled to Oregon at the end of the year 2011, in hopes for find the proper treatment his traumatic brain injury. Their last names have been withheld to protect their identity.
Jacob has been diagnosed with schizophrenia since he was 18 years old; at age 32 he suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI). His mental disability was sufficiently controlled by his medication, yet his TBI has been denied him by his previous treatment professionals. Oregon, so Catherine was told by a friend and attorney, was a better place for Jacob to receive the appropriate treatment for his TBI.
It was not to be!
Now, almost three years later Jacob has been shuffled in and out of nine facilities within Oregon, including twice at the Oregon State Hospital in Salem and twice in Portland. In between, Jacob was kept in a behavioral facility in Springfield as well as in a hospital in Eugene.
A Guardian, serving as the court’s puppet, has been appointed for Jacob by a Salem Judge. The official reason for this move is to afford better care for Jacob and access to more facilities.
The real objective is not only to separate Jacob from his relatives and friends, but mainly to prevent his mother to notice the facility’s shortcomings and abuses on her son. In addition, Catherine is also prohibited from perusing Jacob’s medical records as well as her son’s medication regimen.
Because Catherine’s father was a medical doctor, as well as a psychiatrist, she is well informed and knowledgeable as to how the profession of psychiatry functions, and that in many cases a mental patient’s medical record is documented in such a way that it will suit the attending doctor’s rationale and objective.
Finally, to protect the State of Oregon, an attorney was put in place by the very same Judge in Salem, Oregon. Again, the official purpose given was to afford Jacob the proper level of advocacy and representation in a court procedure. Yet once more, the true intention is to make sure Jacob’s placement and treatment takes place according to the Oregon Courts’ wishes and of course, the appointed attorney’s job is to thwart any possible legal action against the State of Oregon.
After all, the Judge, the Guardian and the attorney are on Oregon State’s Payroll.
To add insult to injury, Jacob’s Special Needs Trust is slowly but surely being plundered by the same persons that were appointed to provide special care for him, namely the appointed guardian and the attorney!
Not only has Jacob’s other medical ailment, hepatitis C been ignored, but he has also gained more than 80 lbs. during the time that the State of Oregon has cared for him. Consequently, Diabetes Mellitus II and Insulin resistance are additional problems he and his mother will have to deal with in the future.
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